Developing the NHS Game

This project started with an idea for a way to engage people with what remains a thorny subject in the health service: how to get people to use limited services appropriately.

I started by designing a board game and testing it at public events. It was so popular I decided the next step was to get the game online.

After getting the basic functionality working - no mean feat as it meant checking and double checking all the details with a doctor and nurse to ensure we didn't give people the wrong advice!

I took the game to St Mewan Community Primary School in Cornwall (above) to put it through its paces. The kids loved the game and played it non-stop, competing with each other to get higher scores.

They gave me lots of great feedback about the way the game worked, the look and feel and the user experience - feedback is key!

I went on to redesign the look and feel to appeal to this age group.

This project demonstrates how important customer engagement is when we want to change behaviour. Whether that's a public health issue, or simply to make a purchase, it's equally important.

Zoe Robinson

Marketing and communications consultant supporting businesses and organisations in the UK with intelligent branding and effective communications.

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